​Experienced profile joins Bysted & Partners

​Meet Thomas Kokholm, our new partner at Bysted & Partners. ​

Thomas is an experienced professional with over 20 years of experience in commercial and managerial roles in both national and international companies. Thomas holds an MBA in leadership from Henley Business School and comes from a position as a senior consultant and headhunter at SAM International. ​

With a strategic mindset and a broad understanding of tactical execution, Thomas has a proven track record of achieving significant and sustainable results through strong collaboration within organizations. He believes in finding the right balance between challenging, developing and improving as a team to achieve success. Thomas excels in change management and has extensive experience in leading teams towards achieving common goals. He possesses strategic insight and the ability to execute at a tactical and operational level. ​

“ I have known Thomas for more than 20 years and firmly believe, that we are now even better equipped in relation to achieving our goals. Thomas brings dedication, strong values, and ambitions thar are supported by high level competencies - We look very much forward to having him on board!”​ René Bysted, CEO​

Thomas brings extensive expertise across various business segments including B2C, B2B, B2P and FMCG. He has experience in several sales channels such as retail, e-commerce, direct, projects, tenders and after-sales. In addition, Thomas has experience in leading changes in sales and product development. 

We believe Thomas, with his leadership and management skills, is a significant contribution to our team. Thomas can be contacted on either email thk@bystedpartners.dk or mobile +45 21 25 22 36.​

“Joining Bysted & Partners gives me a profound perspective to leverage my extensive professional experience, by contributing strategic and managerial, but the key element is a firm alignment with the company's values and goals set by René.”​ Thomas Kokholm, Partner​

Thomas Kokholm will be based in Jutland and Bysted & Partners plans to open an office in Aarhus shortly.Questions concerning our new partner or our planned opening in Aarhus can be directed to our CEO René Bysted (rb@bystedpartners.dk / mobile +45 23 35 13 03)​


Mød Thomas Kokholm, vores nye partner hos Bysted & Partners. Thomas er en erfaren professionel med over 20 års erfaring i kommercielle og ledelsesmæssige roller i både nationale og internationale virksomheder. Thomas har blandt andet en MBA i ledelse fra Henley Business School og kommer fra en stilling som seniorkonsulent og headhunter hos SAM International.​

Med et strategisk mindset og en bred forståelse for taktisk eksekvering har Thomas en dokumenteret track record for at opnå betydelige og bæredygtige resultater gennem stærkt samarbejde i organisationer. Han tror på at finde den rette balance mellem at udfordre, udvikle og forbedre sig som et team for at opnå succes. Thomas udmærker sig ved forandringsledelse og har stor erfaring med at lede teams mod at nå fælles mål. Han besidder strategisk indsigt og evnen til at eksekvere på taktisk og operationelt niveau.​

"Jeg har kendt Thomas i mere end 20 år og tror fuldt og fast på, at vi nu er endnu bedre rustet i forhold til at nå vores mål. Thomas kommer med dedikation, stærke værdier og ambitioner, som understøttes af kompetencer på højt niveau - Vi glæder os meget til at få ham ombord!"​ René Bysted, adm. Direktør​

Thomas bringer omfattende ekspertise på tværs af forskellige forretningssegmenter, herunder B2C, B2B, B2P og FMCG. Han har erfaring med flere salgskanaler såsom detailhandel, e-handel, direkte, projekter, udbud og eftersalg. Derudover har Thomas erfaring med at lede forandringer inden for salg og produktudvikling. Vi mener, at Thomas med sine ledelse- og eksekveringsevner er et væsentligt bidrag til vores team. Thomas kan kontaktes på enten mail thk@bystedpartners.dk eller mobil +45 21 25 22 36.​

"At blive en del af Bysted & Partners giver mig et dybtgående perspektiv til at udnytte min omfattende erhvervserfaring ved at bidrage strategisk og ledelsesmæssigt, men nøgleelementet er en solidt match ift. virksomhedens værdier og mål, som René har sat." ​Thomas Kokholm, Partner​

Thomas Kokholm får base i Jylland, og Bysted & Partners planlægger snart at åbne kontor i Aarhus. Spørgsmål vedrørende vores nye partner eller vores planlagte åbning i Aarhus kan rettes til vores CEO René Bysted (rb@bystedpartners.dk / mobil +45 23 35 13 03)​

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​Experienced profile joins Bysted & Partners
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Our Partners

Idea and goal

We dedicate ourselves to a true and long-lasting co-operation with our clients and candidates, who all must gain value from the interaction with our competent teams and the process we offer.

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We are an Executive and Lean Search company primarily operating in Scandinavia and Northern Europe.